Founded in 1924, we have an unbeatable legacy in supplying the world’s most essential materials.

Experts in engineering and high performance polymers, we have over 7,000 grades of genuine brand materials in our portfolio and will compare the whole market to find you the best deal. If we don’t have your exact grade in stock, we’ll get any quantity of what you need, when you need it.

We’ve built our business and reputation over 100 years on trust and delivery. We pride ourselves on being great at the everyday – so when supply chain issues hit the market, they don’t hit our customers. We’re good in a crisis so you don’t have to be.

Every requirement is unique, so we build our service around you, delivering day in day out, without the drama.

Numbers that are important to us

International Suppliers
0 +
Countries Supplied
Years of Trading
Grades in our Portfolio
0 +

What is your polymer challenge?

Please fill out the form below to see if we can help with your polymer challenge.

Here are a few examples:

  • I have been given a lead time of 12 weeks for material but need it in 2 weeks
  • I only need 250kg but the MOQ is 2 pallets
  • I need a material that can operate in a high temperature environment for a prolonged period of time